Md. Kafil Uddin Raihan
Saturday, October 08, 2011
`~i w`M‡š— eRª‡`eZv ûsKvi Qvwo hvq,
i“× Øv‡i ¶zä Zv‡b µz× cªv‡Yiv Avq,
g„Z¨y kxZj wng ci‡k, †h ü`q cyjwKZ,
cÖv‡Yi cÖ`xc R¡vjv‡q †h K‡i Avuavi‡i Av‡jvwKZ,
‡Nvi Zgmvq ¶z`ª Zviviv Zvnv‡iB eywS Pvq,
i“× Øv‡i ¶zä Zv‡b µz× cªv‡Yiv Avq!
Ck¦i iƒ‡c †hB Ck¦i cÖRvK~‡j K‡i `skb,
gyKz‡U hvnvi my‡kvwfZ iq ‡jvf-jvjmv-wnsmb,
Ck¦i †m †Zv Ck¦i b‡n, Ck¦‡i mskq,
Uvwbqv Zvnv‡i wQuwoqv †dwj‡Z bi‡Ki wK ev fq?
Kvwjgv gvLv‡bv AvikLvwb I wgbwZ Kwi‡Q nvq,
i“× Øv‡i ¶zä Zv‡b µz× cªv‡Yiv Avq!
ag©kvjvi ag©eveviv †bswU †cuPv‡q P‡j,
‡bswU Zjvq RMZLvwb †bsUv nBqv †`v‡j,
ag© bv‡g Kg© cyuwRqv †hRb m„wR‡jv †Nvi,
gy‡Lvk dvuwoqv †`wL‡ev Zvnvi Kj&‡ei KZ †Rvi,
a‡g©wi Kj Avcwb evwRqv bxi‡e w`‡Q mvq,
i“× Øv‡i ¶zä Zv‡b µz× cªv‡Yiv Avq!
kZ eQ‡ii †kvl‡Yi Rv‡j Rov‡bv RxY© cÖvb,
ïavB‡Q AvwR †Kb mwn‡ZQ Ab¨vq-Acgvb,
GZ †h kvmb, GZ †h eviY, wg‡Q GZ Acev`,
Qzuwoqv †dwj‡Z KL‡bv Kx g‡b Rv‡MbvB I‡i mva!
gwi‡ZB hw` nB‡e Z‡e gi‡Y G‡Zv Kx Wi?
gi‡Yi Z‡i evuPvi PvB‡Z,evuwPevi Z‡i gi!
AvMvgx w`‡bi AbvMZ cÖvY Pzwcmv‡i K‡q hvq,
i“× Øv‡i ¶zä Zv‡b µz× cªv‡Yiv Avq!
RÄvj hZ mvd K‡i †`B AvR‡Ki `ywbqvq,
AvMvgx evPzuK SÅvwenxb ¯^‡cœi Avw½bvq!
`~i w`M‡š— eRª‡`eZv ûsKvi Qvwo hvq,
i“× Øv‡i ¶zä Zv‡b µz× cªv‡Yiv Avq!
Nygfv½vbx Mvb
jywÚZ Zzwg, KzwÚZ Avwg,
gywÛZ Ze †¶vf|
‡Kv_vq †hb nviv‡q wMqv‡Q
cÖwZev`x fvlv me|
we‡`ªv‡n fiv, gvwUi GB Liv,
k~Y¨ mKj †eva;
jyKv‡q wMqv‡Q cÖxwZjZviv,
¶zw`ivg †fv‡j †µva|
fÛ ivRviv, `Û mvRv‡q,
nwi‡Z‡Q AwaKvi|
Avq wdwiqv, mvjvg, iwdK,
eiKZ, ReŸvi|
jywÚZ Zzwg, KzwÚZ Avwg,
gywÛZ Ze †¶vf|
RvwMqv I‡Vv †Mv, NygvBqv cov
cÖwZev`x Kjie|
†n Avgvi evsjv‡`k,
LwÛZ Zzwg, `wÛZ Avwg,
wbf„Z gg cÖvY|
bxi‡e †`LwQ P¶z †gwjqv,
†Zvgvi GB Acgvb|
‡Zvgvwi A‡½, bZzb i‡½,
mvRv‡q g„Zy¨K~c;
Amy‡ii `j jBqv‡Q AvwR
†`eZvi †ek-iƒc|
‡Kv_vq AvwR‡K K…òjxjv,
wÎk~‡ji AeZvi!
mvZ mvM‡ii gvwS Avq †di,
nvj awi bvBqvi|
LwÛZ Zzwg, `wÛZ Avwg,
wbf„Z gg cÖvY|
‡Zvgv‡`i Z‡i, wb‡e`b GB
Nygfv½vbxi Mvb|
The thief!
They were beating him,
Slapping, kicking, slanging,
He was thief, stole something.
There was a crowd around him,
Many words blowing in the wind.
Every one was very angry.
I felt that very funny and laughed,
It is the nature of us,
Figure out the faults of others,
Then insult him as much as we can.
But never try to go to deep,
Never understand the reasons.
In fact, nothing happens without reason.
But who cares those,
None of us, not a single one.
It has been a rule, a nature of us.
That thief is a man like us,
He also knows the good, the bad,
But in spite of that he theft, Why?
May there were starving faces,
May be some diseased persons,
Who were waiting for him to do,
To do something for them, their sufferings.
May be his new born baby was crying,
For the first drop of colostrums,
But his wife was incapable of that.
Did we listen to his reality?
Did any one of us stand beside him?
Try to reduce his burdens?
We all are living selfish lives,
No time to hear the tales of others,
A lot of people around us,
Trying and crying to survive,
Did we speak for them?
We didn't, we don't, we will never do.
So what's about our learning,
Those facts, morals never reach to heart,
'Don't hate a guilty, hate the guilt, '
All those remain in the books,
And the reality is the scene,
A thief is being beaten by peoples,
To lessen their angers,
To cover their faults,
To color their shames....
Slapping, kicking, slanging,
He was thief, stole something.
There was a crowd around him,
Many words blowing in the wind.
Every one was very angry.
I felt that very funny and laughed,
It is the nature of us,
Figure out the faults of others,
Then insult him as much as we can.
But never try to go to deep,
Never understand the reasons.
In fact, nothing happens without reason.
But who cares those,
None of us, not a single one.
It has been a rule, a nature of us.
That thief is a man like us,
He also knows the good, the bad,
But in spite of that he theft, Why?
May there were starving faces,
May be some diseased persons,
Who were waiting for him to do,
To do something for them, their sufferings.
May be his new born baby was crying,
For the first drop of colostrums,
But his wife was incapable of that.
Did we listen to his reality?
Did any one of us stand beside him?
Try to reduce his burdens?
We all are living selfish lives,
No time to hear the tales of others,
A lot of people around us,
Trying and crying to survive,
Did we speak for them?
We didn't, we don't, we will never do.
So what's about our learning,
Those facts, morals never reach to heart,
'Don't hate a guilty, hate the guilt, '
All those remain in the books,
And the reality is the scene,
A thief is being beaten by peoples,
To lessen their angers,
To cover their faults,
To color their shames....
Aabar jodi dekha hoy...
Avevi hw` †`Lv nq....
Avevi hw` †`Lv nq,
e„wó‡fRv wcPXvjv c‡_,
‡g‡Ni MR©‡b Akvš— kn‡i;
wK ej‡e ZLb Zzwg?
nvm‡e bvwK Kuv`‡e AvKvk n‡q?
bvwK PzcPvc †P‡q iB‡e,
we¯§‡q wbe©vK wb¯—ãZvq!
Avevi hw` †`Lv nq,
Kzqvkvq Svcmv `„wó‡Z,
‡fRv †fRv m¨uZm¨‡Z bM‡i;
wK Ki‡e ZLb Zzwg?
wPi‡Pbv PÂjZv bvwK kvš— Zzwg,
bvwK †`‡L I †`L‡ebv,
eyKfiv RgvU Awfgvb wb‡q!
Avevi hw` †`Lv nq,
hw` ewj †mB K_vwU,
hv ewj ewj K‡i I ewjwb,
ïwb ïwb K‡i I hv †kvbwb,
hw` ewj †mB Ae¨³ K_vwU,
Avevi hw` †`Lv nq...!
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