Sunday, October 25, 2009

Life: A puppet show

I see the life,
What a beauty,
how much wonder,
Hidden inside it!
Just take a breath,
You will feel it,
Just feel a beat,
You will wonder.
Then why complexities?
Why struggles to survive?
All we need to ensure a breath,
Ensure every beats of heart,
But see, we are running,
Everyday, every second,
We are running for noting,
Money is really nothing,
Though it has been everything,
It turns us blind and crazy,
Turns us something rather than man.
We are now out of mind,
We are out of our soul.
We are not alive,
Don't you feel it?
We are really dead,
Just have become Puppets,
Yap, life is now a puppet show,
Where we are just playing,
Acting our best, taking chances,
And heading towards the extinction. 

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