Saturday, October 24, 2009

Secret of life...

The sea gull standing alone,
In the sandy beach of the sea,
Staring at the large waves,
From the endless horizon,
Thinking of these lonely days,
Wondering at this greatness,
Feeling his life as a wave,
Flowing and flowing on,
Never knows where it's end,
All on a sudden discovers the last,
At this sea shore on the sand,
The sea gull thinks and thinks,
May be this is the secret of earth.

Beginning alone and ending alone,
And moving in the crowd,
Sometimes we realize the truth,
That there is none beside us,
We all are living thus a lonely life,
Like that sea gull and it's thought,
We figure out the secret suddenly,
Then we only cry and sigh and feel,
The loneliness of this life......

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