Saturday, October 24, 2009

Please stop this education

Education is the backbone of a nation,
But in the name of education,
They are grinding our backbones,
They are blending our souls,
They are leaking our creativities,
They making us human robots.

Education to be self dependent,
To be capable of thinking.
Education to be free,
To utilize my freedom.
But they are binding us.
They are making us to take,
The bolus, they are giving us.
They are making us to feel,
That we are the numb,
We have no feelings,
We can't differentiate.

Please stop this education,
stop this new form of slavery.
Stop selling certificates,
Let us to know our self,
Let us to find out Who we are.
Let us to think a newer theorem of life.
Don't make us a limited company,
Don't make us underdog.
We have powers to do something,
we can provoke newer thoughts,
We can prove ourselves.
Please, let us be man,
With self intelligence.

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