Saturday, October 24, 2009

The silence speaks...

Sometimes, when you are alone,
In the dark cloudy night,
Only the lightening shows you the life,
A numb silence surrounds you.
You may feel the words from the air,
You would never think of the happening,
But you know what, the silence speaks,
The silence tells us our future,
The time we can't imagine, the uncertainty,
The silence knows all of those,
There is no explanation of that,
You may call it a prejudice or blind belief,
However you define it, it is the fact,
Silence speaks us, warns us, shows us.
It is a kind of opaque mirror,
Behind its, all the future are hidden,
But we only can see the light through it,
We just need to belief inside ourselves,
Then only then we can hear, we can feel,
The silence speaks to us...

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