Saturday, October 24, 2009

The spirit, We all should feel....

There is no religion,
That speaks for war,
That speaks for bloodshed,
That speaks for taking lives,
The war, unnecessary bloodshed,
These make no sense for us,
There is no betterment for us,
It would only take us to extinct,
Extinction of us by ourselves.
Since the birth of this earth,
We are fighting each other,
Sometimes for land,
Sometimes for love,
Sometimes for peace,
Sometimes for right,
All these are childish deeds of elders,
All these are ambitious excuses of leaders,
If we all are human being so why these?
Why such life taking actions among ourselves.
Can a brother rule his brother?
Can a father deprive his sons?
Can a mother discriminate her children?
Can a sister hate her brother?
So why we are fighting,
Love, affections or the satisfaction of soul?
There can not be any proud foolish man
Coloring your hand with your brother's blood.
Why we emphasize the fake excuses,
Language, nationality, culture, religion,
Border, country all these are masks only,
Behind these masks we all have skins,
Fresh warm blood, fatty fleshes,
What a funny game are we playing,
To save our mask we are destroying bodies,
We are piercing the skins hearts,
And bleeding out our angers.
What have we gotten by these?
Do our sufferings get reduced?
Can we smell the real freedom?
Never, It is an impossible fact.
We need to cover our wound,
Ensure our basic needs,
But It does not means that,
Killing my brother is the way.
The whole nature, earth, life
Are moving on only one belief.
We should hold it, hang it,
Deep inside every heart,
Live and love, Let to live and love.
That is the spirit, the rule, the power,
That is everything to prove us,
The human being, the king of all beings...

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