Friday, October 23, 2009

Mirror: The reflection of a fact

At the midnight, I woke up from sleep;
I saw at me in the mirror;
I swear that was the most fearful,
Most horrible seen of my life.
I can't believe that, it was me!
The ugliest face of this world,
Laughing at a loud!
I asked who that was,
He answered that he was the real me!
He was the face behind my mask.

I felt a cold wave in my blood.
I was sweating in the a.c room.
I found the vast beside me,
I threw that to the mirror.
The mirror was broken into pieces,
But every piece was laughing at me!
And saying “how will you change your face?
How will you break the mirror inside your heart?
You are foolish! Cheater! Evil!
How will you stop the man inside you? '

I don't know what to say!
We all are the fool!
We all are the fake!
May be the fact is that,
Which have been in the mirror!

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